A website that I found to be interesting is called "Experience Project." Not only does the viewer get to have their own blog, but the site offers different ways for self-expression. The user can post stories that reflect a certain theme of the EP community or create their own Group themes. Dream journals and wellness (health)journals are very popular on this website. Other members can give you their opinions, and interpretations, yet are never allowed to out right harshly talk about or discriminate against another member. This would cause them to be reported and if the situation gets worse, they kicked off the site.
"A Grain of Sand"

By joon
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Story Details May 28th, 2009 58 Views 2 recs 2 Comments
Know That the Universe Is Made Up of Stories Not Atoms
6 Members2 StoriesMore Stories:
function doRecVote(eid,vote)
var url = 'http://www.experienceproject.com/ajax/entry
I once heard someone say: We are just a grain of sand in the universe. If this is so, then our stories create the beaches that the waves roll upon, they connect the dots of stars to form constellations, our voices give Saturn its ring, our hands weave together the milky way, our laughter gives the Sun its fire. If we are just a grain of sand, then our sadness dented the sky, creating a dark hole with our tears. Our fists that we have used or wanted to use in anger pounded the skin of the ozone layer, our feet walked on Mar's deserts searching for new life and stories to tell. If we are just a grain of sand, then my hands would crumble as I write this. I will be the blank canvas, the universe would be empty.
Joon is a member on Experience Project who let me use this piece in my own blog. I thought it was beautiful, and that the avatar she chose to represent herself reflected the tone and message of her poem. I believe that the reason why Experience Project has so many members joining is the fact that they advertise the sense of community among the users, a place where people can feel that they belong, and are not alone.
Another website that I think is awesome is "Live Journal." Users are free to keep a personal online journal, and are able to post their views and give advice to other members. What really drew me to this site was their headline quote, "Express yourself, Share Your Life, Connect With Others Online." The site lets people who are interested in joining to have a sneak peak and view entries of different members, so they can see for themselves if this is the right site for them. People want to connect with others, find common experiences, to help their own present situations.
By exploring these two sites have made me think about how to present my own online blogs. These questions come up for me: What images could help me get my message across? Do I offer information that can others can find useful and reflect on? Every time I post a blog I hope I made some type of positive impact on others, express new ideas, and open a window into my true self.
*Image and Blog:http://www.experienceproject.com
Tips: See journal entries on http://www.livejournal.com
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