I was lost in the woods for days; my feet blistering, stomach growling from hunger, throat burning from thirst. I thought my fate was sealed, until I came upon a cobble stone road. I was soon welcomed by a silver haired elf woman, with dark blue eyes; a white guy was hiding in the bushes behind her. "Welcome to Elftown" she sang in a sweet voice. "Well Joy," I said to myself, "You're defiantly not in Chicago anymore."
The Elftown social website is a paradise for lovers of Fantasy and Science fiction. Every member who is welcomed into this fair town is given a house (web page)where they can post their own drawings, poems, and short stories about these two writing genres. This surreal world offers you wiki pages to show off your artwork, but also where other members can edit or add information.
As I was lead throughout the town by the elf woman I discovered forums where members can chat and comment about each others work, this is not place to be scorn or judgemented harshly. Everyone is praised for their drawings, stories, and new discoveries in the Fantasy and Sci-Fi fields. Members even have their own diary, to share there thoughts with only their friends or present it publicly. Elftown also has awesome drawing and writing contest. Like a real town there are rules that must be followed and people to uphold them.
1. All images in your house must have something to do with you.
2. Images in your house must be made by you or for you.
3. Pornographic images and images depicting extreme violence are not allowed in your house. Almost nude and nude images of minors and pictures of self mutilation are not allowed anywhere on Elftown. So no showing of breasts before you're 18 in the photo!
Note 2: The "nudity of minor"-rule is demanded by (a pretty badly defined Swedish) law, and it doesn't matter if Elftown thinks the image is "harmless" or "artistic".
4. Images that contain other images that break the rules are not allowed in your house.
5. No random copied writings in (descriptions of) houses.
Law and Order
The Elftown site emphasises that they are not a fantasy dating site (though flirting is allowed) This site is a haven where people can connect through there interest, which is producing creative art.
Since the site has so many members, there has to be people who will be willing to look after the sanctity of this town. There are guards members who are appointed to search all the houses, to see if anyone is going against the rules. Patrollers are members that have respected the rules and Elftown Guide of Conduct; they assist the guards by squealing on whoever is disrespecting the site. Every memebr has an equal chance of gaining high positions.
Council Badge

Mayor Badge

The Elftown Council plays an important role in Elftown, appointed by the people, they make sure the site's programs are up to date, information is given out, and wiki pages are organized. The also council helps create the contest and events. The mayor like leader has to makes sure that every department is running smoothly. The site keeps its fantasy flavor going by picking members who have been deemed worthy to become magicians and spiritual guides.
But what surprised me the most was the fact that Elftown has a school; where members create classes, choosing the tutors and translators to run the school.
Elftown seems to be a site that truly wants to keep a sense of community and friendship among its members. But wants to have a strong sense of discipline and stability.
Fascinating stuff. You MUST talk about this in class.