I stumbled upon a blog that caught my eye:Lagniappe-Cincinnati's Only Cajun Orleans/Gypsy Band. A Blogger who goes by the name Sophia, created this blog to show the talent of the band Lagniappe which in French means, "a little something." The band plays down home Bayou flavor music that makes your blood dance. Sophia who is a lover of music as well as photography, follows this band as they play in different clubs across America.
Sophia is not a groupie, she books some of the band's gigs. In her blog Sophia describes the atmosphere of different places the band played or visited which includes local restaurants, bars, and clubs who are looking for a band to boost their business.The blog is geared towards other music junkies, but is open to other viewers who are interested in this style of music. The blog not only helps Sophia in her career, but allows her audience to interact, by posting Lagniappe's tour dates and locations for their performances.
Though I think Sophia's blog is awesome, I would like for her to add more of her point of view, so other people can experience the excitement and emotions faces her adventure with Lagniappe. She relies so much on photographs and videos that her voice becomes lost.
Sophia gives me new ideas about how to make my own blog stand out. I could add the history of different genres in writing:Fantasy, Science Fiction, Magical Realism etc.... Maybe I can post "The Author of the Month," who has inspired me and has made an impact in the Media. In the future, if I every create my own online magazine, I can advertise it by posting sneak peeks of it on my blog.
I recommended Sophia's Lagniappe Blog, which opens a window into a style of music (Bayou,Cajun/Gypsy) that's not widely shown.

Link: http://www.lagniappecincy.blogspot.com
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